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Hello Taylor Residents.

I first off want to say thank you to all that signed my petition to run for mayor, unfortunately I was 17 signatures shy of making it onto the ballot. However, after much consideration of the current candidates and what they stand for I have decided to go in as a write in candidate as well. We need someone who is going to make Taylor a better place for the residents. Right now from what I can see of these candidates running they plan to use Taylor as their stepping stool to lift themselves up politically, while I plan to be the stepping stool for Taylor so that we can rise up and be where we belong. I have been out there meeting with hundreds of residents. I know what the people of the city want, need, and deserve. I don’t just say random things like “move Taylor into the future,” or complain about the size of the sign I can have in my yard. I have an agenda for day one and I have an agenda for day 600. My agenda is your agenda. I have already worked at the federal and international level while serving in the United States Marine Corps. And now I am ready to serve at the city level. I am looking to be the one of the first females to run. I am a marathon runner, with 6 kids at home, so you know I don’t mind hard work, and I can multitask like a pro.

My Agenda:

-I want to make Taylor a safe place, a place where our children do not have to dodge cars as they walk to school because there’s no sidewalk for them. I want lights up at heritage Park to keep our people that are walking safe and our police officer safe.

-I’d like to upgrade the stuff that we did well and improve on it.

-how to make Taylor a place where people want to come for business, to visit and a place to live.

-To take appropriate action with our homeless population and panhandlers.

-To ensure corruption in government has no place in our city.

-To make Taylor fun, improve the rec. center, play areas, and fitness areas.

-get rid of abandoned buildings or bring in businesses to fill the empty location.

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